The Ultimate Guide to Axolotl Food

Discover the best axolotl food options, feeding guidelines, and mistakes to avoid in this ultimate guide. Keep your aquatic pets healthy and happy!

Welcome! In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about feeding your axolotl. We’ll discuss the best types of food for them, how often to feed them, and the proper portion sizes. You’ll also discover some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to their diet. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to provide your axolotl with a nutritious and balanced diet. Let’s get started!

The Ultimate Guide to Axolotl Food

What is an Axolotl?

An axolotl is a unique and intriguing creature that belongs to the amphibian family. Native to Mexico, these aquatic salamanders have gained immense popularity as pets worldwide. What sets them apart is their ability to remain in a larval stage throughout their lives, retaining their gills and aquatic features instead of undergoing metamorphosis like other amphibians.

Physical characteristics

Axolotls boast an array of physical characteristics that make them fascinating to observe and care for. They typically have a chubby body, long tail, and four short limbs with dexterous fingers. Their most distinctive feature is their external gills, which resemble feathery tufts on either side of their heads. These gills enable them to breathe underwater, making them excellent swimmers. Axolotls also come in a variety of colors, including wild type (brown), leucistic (pale pink with dark eyes), and golden albino (pale yellow with pink-ish tones).

Habitat and natural behavior

In the wild, axolotls can be found in the lakes and canals of Mexico City, particularly in Xochimilco. They prefer calm and shallow waters with plenty of vegetation and hiding spots. Axolotls are primarily nocturnal creatures, often becoming more active during the night. They exhibit a combination of territorial and solitary behavior, preferring to live alone or in small groups. It’s essential to replicate their natural habitat when keeping axolotls as pets, including providing them with a suitable diet.

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Understanding Axolotl Diet

Carnivorous nature of axolotls

As carnivorous creatures, axolotls require a diet primarily composed of animal proteins. In the wild, they feed on small insects, crustaceans, fish, and even other amphibians. As pets, it is crucial to ensure they receive a well-rounded and balanced diet to support their growth, health, and overall well-being.

The importance of balanced nutrition

Proper nutrition is key to keeping axolotls in optimal condition. A balanced diet helps prevent nutritional deficiencies and promotes healthy growth. It is essential to provide a variety of food sources to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Axolotls should be fed a combination of live foods, frozen foods, commercial pellets, and homemade food recipes.

Types of Axolotl Food

Live foods

Live foods are an excellent option for providing a natural and enriching diet for axolotls. They mimic the prey they would encounter in the wild, promoting their natural hunting and foraging instincts. Some popular live food options for axolotls include:

Brine shrimp

Brine shrimp, also known as Artemia, are small crustaceans often used as staple food for aquatic pets. These tiny organisms are rich in protein and highly nutritious for axolotls. Brine shrimp can be hatched from eggs and fed to axolotls as a live food source.


Bloodworms, the larvae of midge flies, are another nutritious live food option for axolotls. They are high in protein and can be purchased either live or frozen. Bloodworms are a favorite among axolotls due to their wriggling movements, which trigger the axolotls’ natural hunting instincts.


Daphnia, commonly known as water fleas, are small crustaceans that are also beneficial for axolotls. They are nutrient-rich, easy to digest, and readily accepted by axolotls. Daphnia can be either cultured at home or purchased as live food.

Tubifex worms

Tubifex worms are a popular live food choice, particularly for axolotls. These aquatic worms are high in fat and protein, providing a nutritious meal for axolotls. However, it’s important to ensure the worms are from a reliable source, as they can carry parasites and diseases if not obtained from a reputable supplier.

Frozen foods

Frozen foods offer a convenient alternative to live foods while still providing essential nutrients for axolotls. These foods are often flash-frozen to retain their nutritional value and can be easily stored for long periods. Some frozen food options for axolotls include:

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Frozen brine shrimp

Frozen brine shrimp are a readily available and popular choice among axolotl owners. They provide a high protein content and are easily accepted by axolotls. Frozen brine shrimp can be thawed before feeding or added directly to the tank.

Frozen bloodworms

Similar to live bloodworms, frozen bloodworms provide axolotls with a protein-rich food source. They can be thawed before feeding or added straight to the tank. Frozen bloodworms are an excellent choice for those who do not want to deal with live food options.

Frozen daphnia

Frozen daphnia offer axolotls a nutritious alternative to live daphnia. These frozen organisms are rich in protein and can be conveniently thawed before feeding to the axolotls. Frozen daphnia provide variety in the diet and are easily accepted by axolotls.

Commercial Pellets for Axolotls

Commercial pellets are formulated to provide a complete and balanced diet for axolotls. These pellet foods often contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals necessary for the axolotls’ overall health. When choosing commercial pellets for axolotls, it is important to opt for high-quality brands that contain minimal fillers and artificial additives.

Choosing high-quality pellets

When selecting commercial pellets, look for those specifically designed for axolotls or aquatic salamanders. Avoid pellets formulated for other amphibians or reptiles, as they may not provide the right balance of nutrients. Read the ingredient list to ensure the pellets contain high-quality animal protein sources, such as fish meal or insect meal, rather than plant-based fillers.

Feeding guidelines

Feeding guidelines may vary among different brands and pellet sizes. Generally, it is recommended to feed axolotls a small amount of pellets 2-3 times a day, taking care not to overfeed. It is essential to monitor their weight and adjust the portion sizes accordingly to prevent obesity, which can lead to health issues. Pellets that are not consumed within a few minutes should be removed from the tank to maintain water cleanliness.

Homemade Food Recipes for Axolotls

Homemade axolotl food recipes provide an opportunity to enhance your axolotl’s diet further and cater to their specific dietary needs. Here are two simple and nutritious recipes you can try:

Axolotl gel food recipe


  • 1 can of unsalted peas, drained
  • 1 can of unsalted green beans, drained
  • 1 can of unsalted carrots, drained
  • 1 packet of unflavored gelatin


  1. Blend the drained peas, green beans, and carrots together until smooth.
  2. Follow the gelatin package instructions to dissolve the gelatin and add it to the blended vegetable mixture.
  3. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or molds and refrigerate until firm.
  4. Cut the gel food into small cubes and feed as needed.
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Axolotl earthworm mix recipe


  • 400 grams of earthworms (washed and chopped)
  • 200 grams of frozen fish fillets (thawed)
  • 1 cup of axolotl pellets
  • 1 cup of frozen spinach (thawed and chopped)
  • 2-3 crushed garlic cloves


  1. In a food processor, combine the earthworms, fish fillets, axolotl pellets, chopped spinach, and crushed garlic cloves.
  2. Blend the ingredients until well mixed and the consistency is suitable for your axolotl’s feeding habits.
  3. Divide the mixture into small portions and freeze them for future use.
  4. Thaw a portion as needed and feed to your axolotls.

Feeding Schedule for Axolotls

Determining the right frequency

Establishing a feeding schedule is crucial to ensure your axolotls receive the appropriate amount of food without overfeeding. Axolotls should ideally be fed once a day, but younger axolotls or those still growing may require feeding twice a day. Monitor their weight closely and adjust the frequency accordingly to maintain a healthy balance.

Tips for establishing a feeding routine

To establish a successful feeding routine, consider the following tips:

  • Use the same feeding location each time, such as a designated feeding dish, to help axolotls associate that area with feeding.
  • Feed axolotls at a consistent time each day to create a predictable routine.
  • Remove any uneaten food after 15-20 minutes to prevent it from decomposing and affecting water quality.

Feeding Techniques for Axolotls

Hand feeding

Hand feeding is a popular technique among axolotl owners as it allows for a more interactive and personal feeding experience. Using clean fingers or tweezers, hold the food in front of your axolotl and gently wiggle it to mimic natural prey movement. This technique is particularly useful when feeding smaller live foods or homemade food cubes.

Tweezers feeding

Tweezers feeding involves using tweezers to hold the food in front of your axolotl. This technique offers better control and ensures your axolotl does not accidentally consume substrate or other tank debris. It is especially useful when feeding smaller, more delicate foods like bloodworms or daphnia.

Using a feeding dish

Using a feeding dish can help contain the food in one area and prevent it from spreading throughout the tank. Place the food directly into the feeding dish, allowing your axolotl to swim over and consume it at their own pace. Feeding dishes can be easily removed and cleaned after each feeding to maintain hygienic conditions.


Providing a nutritious and varied diet is essential for the health and well-being of your axolotls. By understanding their carnivorous nature and offering a mix of live foods, frozen foods, commercial pellets, and homemade recipes, you can ensure your axolotls receive the vital nutrients they need to thrive. Remember to establish a feeding schedule, choose high-quality foods, and employ suitable feeding techniques to create a rewarding feeding routine for both you and your axolotls. With this ultimate guide to axolotl food, you can offer your aquatic companions a diet that will support their growth and keep them happy for years to come.